Pocket Novel – Your step to become a writer

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In recent times, it’s already tough to steal time from the busy schedule, then giving a thought to become a writer is brainstorming session in itself. But, one should not give up their hobbies, and what if you begin your career out of it?

Well, it is rightly said that listening to the stories enhances your imagination, as it brings the characters to life. And, if you have the passion for writing as well, you’ve got Pocket Novel.

A person who is fond of writing stories would definitely love to begin their career as a writer. So, if you are one of them, Pocket Novel is your companion, where you can pen down your stories. Just create your profile and give wings to your imagination.

Or you can just register in our writer’s benefits program.

Okay! We know there are multiple questions that have already popped up in your head. Continue to read and you’ll have your answers.

Become a writer and get paid!

Yes, you read that right!

Pocket Novel will publish your stories and you’ll receive the payment as well. Now, in case you are an amateur, it’s earning and learning together.

You can simply sign up and become a writer at Pocket Novel.

The exposure is all yours!

We are for you. You write and we’ll get you all the visibility, you can connect with your readers via comments and reviews. Improve your skills, get new ideas, and do what not. We are at your back holding on to you.

You can write as many stories you wish to. It is all yours.

Complete editorial support to the writer !

We don’t care if you are a professional writer or an amateur one. If you have imagination, we’ve got Pocket Novel. Just onboard and begin to write. An always-ready editing team will handle the rest. They’ll connect with you, understand your mindset as per the story and help you to rectify the errors.

What is a writer’s benefits program?

An opportunity for aspiring writers to help them publish and produce stories to react to over 1 crore audience at Pocket FM. We are giving you the chance to onboard the journey of a writer with us. It pays for your efforts as well. You can begin your career as a writer as per a certain criteria. Here you can earn above 10 lakhs, and not just this, many rewards and contests are awaited.

What are you waiting for? Start with your passion, make it your profession!

Some real reviews –

Mrs. Anita from Delhi says, before marriage, she was very fond of reading novels, and there was time too, sometimes the novel used to finish in 1 day. But, ever since she got married, she was caught up in the household. And, she did not even have the sense to buy a Novel far away, but when she heard about Pocket FM, her passion returned, now there was no need to sit in one place and read. She just downloaded Pocket FM to her phone and when her work started she put earphones in her ears and continued her work on the other hand. On Pocket FM, she listen to multiple novels. The work is done and there’s no boredom.

Just like another reader, Ritesh says that he works in a bank and often has a lot of workloads, due to which he often gets late to the office. This was boring enough. Until his friend advised him to listen to something good and utilize the time. With his introduction to Pocket FM, his time passes peacefully. He listens to multiple stories and feels fresh and peace of mind which has enhanced his productivity as well.

To summarize,

There are complications in every body’s life. No one has time, there are lesser jobs, and even if someone has the talent but no one pays fairly for it. However, on Pocket Novel, all these things are manageable. Here, the talent get royalties, and people can keep their passion alive.

At the same time, when their imaginations get appreciation, their fan following also increases likewise. Making the writers popular sitting at home is very well not a small thing. As everyone is trying to bring their identity in front of the world and show their ability. You can now do this through Pocket FM. We are proud to let you know that the writer’s benefits program was a new beginning where we invited writers to share their stories. Gradually, they started to generate a regular income. Novels that performed well got the offer for audio book conversion . They had a chance to share their story with millions of people. The writer’s community appreciates all the efforts a lot.

The opportunity is here. Start your journey with Pocket Novel.

Pen down your thoughts, write as many stories and keep your hobbies alive!

2 responses to “Pocket Novel – Your step to become a writer”

  1. I am on my way to writing a novel for the young boys and girls (mainly college students). I am trying to write how they speak when on the campus, what they dream or aim to be, what difficulties they face and how well they overcome obstacles coming their way and continue to move ahead.

    I am delighted to come across your site. Thanks.

  2. Dear sir,
    I am a writer from my student life. But i could not find out how can i disclose it a world wide frame. Today i know from YouTube channel writer.pocketnovel.com. It is very interesting for me. if i get opportunity to write here i grateful to director of this website.

    Thanks a lot
    sm nur siddiqul zahid

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