Long-form novel writing- Must see tips!

Long-form novel writing or say episodic form of novels are in trend now-a-days. There are multiple platforms that offer to write long-form novels in order to reach wider audience.

Novels are actually an evergreen medium to express one’s creativity, innovations and ideas. This aim to entertain the audience with a message.

Being a keen and passionate novel writer, you must be wondering how you could create millions of creative stories. But, when it comes to writing and executing them, you are short of ideas and thoughts. You only write several pages and then stop writing. 

We have a few tips for writers who wants to chisel their long-form novel writing skills. This will help them to gain a better understanding. 

Prioritize your character while you write long-form novel!

Each reader reads a story from a different perspective and is graspable as per their thought process. You need to create an unforgettable perfect lead and picturize the characters in such a way where you are clarified with, “who the character is?” Behavioristic traits of character and the things that make it special for the story. The moment you relate it to yourself, you need to execute your story with extreme clarity of thoughts and will engage your preferred audience which will also impart better growth and engagement to your story. 

Do not sideline the main character

Introduce your character in the very starting of your story. This will provide the audience a glimpse of the function of the character in the whole story. 

You do not have to explain every instance with a description, this will only make the story more boring and less attractive. Let the audience judge and associate themselves with the main lead which would involve them psychologically in the story.

Introducing the character a bit earlier would make a clear line of thoughts, communication and understanding between the reader and the story. 

Try to crisp the twists and turns in your web novel!

As mentioned earlier, you need to frame your story in a  very organized way. Think of the best turns and twists to make the story more attention grabbing. From how the character faces difficulties to how it comes out as a villain/hero is the major turning point for the readers. As the basic responsibility and aim of the book publisher is to entertain its audience, the more obstacles the character will face, the more bumpy turns your story will take, that will unquestionably attract the targeted audience.    

Long-form novel writingStructuring your content is a necessity!

Structure and shape the plot and elements of your story from introduction, to all situations and circumstances. This includes how the main character entered the situation, what the situation is, how is the character dealing with the situation, why is he dealing with that situation in a particular way, what will be the result, how is the character coming out of it etc.

The chronological order will help you to gain a better understanding of ideas and thoughts and create more ideas from the same situation. Tried to make the obstacles tougher and tougher, it will also add a crisp in your story.

Target your voice and point of view

Lastly, it is very important to not let the readers get unsatisfied by your story. Construct your point of views and voice in such a way where the audience could get highly affected by your novel writing process with the idea of being entertained at the same time.

When you are short of ideas you may brainstorm, However, arranging your characters in a chronological way would make your brainstorming much easier!

Try to read the minds of your audience and frame your story in accordance with that. Always remember, What, why, who, where is the grassroot of every novel. 

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